Beyond Kink Camp, Pt. 2

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12 years ago

What is the song that plays after the ayahuasca story?

12 years ago

When you listen to both Part 1 and Part 2, this is quite a trip for sure! Worth multiple listens too.

Gary B.
12 years ago

It’s a beautifully profound story this time from Kevin. You certainly don’t have to be gay to be able to appreciate or relate to this epic adventure. I think everyone of us has been on a stumbling search for something bigger than ourselves. Keep them coming, Kevin! And don’t ever give up on the power of love!

Jeff Barr
12 years ago

Hey Dave,
The song that plays just after the conclusion of the ayahuasca part is Wonder Cycle by Chris Zabriskie. I recommend that you explore this album as well as others by him by going to the free music archive ( for free downloads of them all.

Cory Osborn
12 years ago

Amazing story, and such courage! The production was fantastic as well. I laughed out loud when he mentions that the pizza “wasn’t very good”. I’m an American ex-pat living in Amsterdam, and let’s just say I make my own pizza 😉

12 years ago

Kink camp was a great story. Beyond Kink Camp part 1 was …. meh. Beyond Kink Camp part 2 was self indulgence at it’s worst. Yay Kevin – you had a personal break through but seriously, this was not good storytelling. Can we get back to the format of the show, where we listened to a variety people OTHER THAN YOU telling us well crafted and judiciously edited stories?

12 years ago

My favorite stories from Risk are actually Kevin’s.

Thank you for sharing, Kevin. I always find you totally hilarious. I think the only thing I found weird about this episode is your sudden desire to imbibe ayahuasca. There was no lead up to this rather offbeat ritual, just “hey, everybody does it”. I’d like to have heard what you got interested in this, instead of jumping right into it.

Otherwise, excellent podcast.

David S.
12 years ago

I must admit that Kevin’s stories are my favorite. All sorts of great storytellers over the years (and I’ve listened since the beginning), but whenever I hear that Mr. Kevin Allison is telling a story I know it will be good.

I particularly appreciated, upon reflection, this episode because it showed the flip side of sexuality, which is just as important as the in-the-moment fun.

Gay Asian men in their 20s continue to flirt with me, which is too bad since I am straight, but I always think of Mr. Kevin Allison when they do.

12 years ago

It’s just too bad Kevin wasn’t much impressed with the Wasteland Party in Amsterdam. I live in the Netherlands and have been going a few times in a row now. True, there’s a lot of techno dancing, but there’s also a lot of playing going on if you know where to look in the areas just off the dance floor and right underneath the main stage. Not sure if Kevin knew about these, but if he didn’t, would the story have ended the same way. Can’t help but wonder.

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