Not As It Seems


Episode #802

Date October 17, 2016

Run Time 53:33

Seaton Smith, Rojo Perez and Geraldine Buckley share stories about first and second impressions.

Song: RISK! Theme by Wormburner and John Sondericker

Song: Mack the Knife by Oscar Peterson Trio & Clark Terry

Live Story: Cock and Bull by Rojo Perez

Song: Girls and Boys In Love by The Rumble Strips

Live Story: Yes Officer by Seaton Smith

Interstitial: Full Cooperation With The Law by Jeff Barr

Live Story: The Bus by Geraldine Buckley

Song: Change (feat. Wale) by Daniel Merriweather



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7 years ago

Unsubbed today after second week in a row of burping in the ear by Kevin. I’ve enjoyed this podcast for 2 years, but enough. It’s a serious shame that the host’s disrespect for his audience drives people away from the amazing stories of the artists and guests featured. I don’t pick my nose in your living room, I won’t stand for your gastric juices in my ear. Gross.

7 years ago

Steph – If a burp offended you then clearly this podcast is not for you.

7 years ago

Sorry you feel that way, Steph. I have a hunch that most Risk listeners, like myself, quite enjoy Kevin’s goofyness.

7 years ago

Fantastic episode! I loved all three stories, though the ending of Rojo’s (no spoilers) made me so very sad. Seaton Smith is FUCKING HILARIOUS…I’m going to be laughing at “Person of White” forever. Way to scout and give airtime to excellent, creative voices we might not otherwise discover, Burpin’ Kevin.

7 years ago

I can not stand burps, vomit sounds because they genuinely make me gag, I wish they didn’t, because my boyfriend uses this weakness against me, just to test me. But I push through, because giving up is not worth it when you love something.
*Braces for impact, press play*
Here I go.

7 years ago

Yeah…I love the stories, I accept the goofiness, but the belching is unnecessarIly coarse. I have always disliked it, because it adds nothing to what is otherwise the best podcast on the net. It’s like dating a really smart person whosee drinking occasionally gets the better of them and they beat you up a little bit. It’s not like it’s in public, and it doesn’t happen that often. But I always feel disrespected and generally yucky because of it.

7 years ago

Kevin is gross and extremely obnoxious. Luckily I can skip right over him. The stories themselves were awesome though!

7 years ago

I literally use the skip button until I hear a different voice than the host’s in every episode. Regardless of what he’s saying he talks for ages. It’s a minor inconvenience but it’s worth it because the stories are almost always great.

7 years ago

Kevin is awesome and without him we wouldn’t have Risk and that would be a shame.

Not a Kevin fan
6 years ago

Kevin is a terrible host! His stories suck, 99.9% of the time they don’t go anywhere just him telling about how he walked down the street and spilled his coffee. Like many other listeners I just use that blessed skip button until his crawing is over. This show is very good, but it would be excellent if y’all got a new host!

3 years ago

I can barely overcome my dislike for Kevin as a host. I don’t like his story’s, jokes/humor, singing, stupid easter eggs, laugh, delivery, politics, virtue signaling, idiotic voices etc. Just about everything Kevin does i find distasteful, offensive or annoying. I like the stories though and have been very moved by some of them. Unfortunately I really would prefer to never hear Kevin’s voice again. If I was an advertiser i would never use him to do reads.

Hey Kevin go be a human urinal after a group of dudes eat asparagus and sardines we all know how you love it. If you think that’s gross your just yucking on his yum by the way. Something Kevin says is a nono.

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