The Best of RISK! #15


Episode #1031

Date May 06, 2019

Run Time 1:35:31

Our 15th compilation of some the best recent true stories told on the RISK! podcast.

Song: RISK! Theme by Wormburner and John Sondericker

Song: Between the Beats by Wolfgang Muthspiel and Brian Blade

Live Story: Exposure by Ryan Webster

Radio Story: The Lady by Ray Christian

Live Story: Yes, I’m a Grain of Rice by Justin J Wee

Song: Back In My Body by Maggie Rogers

Live Story: Reunion by Britt Adams

Song: (I Keep On) Rising Up by Mike Doughty

Live Story: The Only Life You Can Save is Your Own by Marcella Allison

Song: Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen


Wanna hear more of our favorites? Find all of our Best of RISK! episodes here.



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Gabe Pearson
5 years ago

Did Britt Adams press charges against his Dad and brother?

5 years ago

Thank you for including Britt Adams – I was so horrified by this story the first time I heard it, and have been trying to find it since. I really hope he is happy and doing well now.

5 years ago

Every time I hear Britt’s story, I get misty and tear up at my desk. I hope he met some people after the show and hope he’s flourishing wherever it is he’s living now.

5 years ago

I am truly curious to know WHY this family adopted a child from Korea. Noblesse Oblige? It is clear that Britt loved his family, at least up until he became disillusioned (maybe still does). Did/do any of his family love or care about HIM?

Kevin & Co, please try to persuade Britt’s father or brother or any family member to tell this same story from their own perspective.

5 years ago

That’s the tantalizing thing about true stories told and aired. I always want to know if the featured characters heard the story, and if so how it affected them. I always want to know how the telling of the story, changed the story going forward, for the storyteller… I like to think that the storytelling process can kick off a healing process for deep wounds.

2 years ago

Here I sit on May 9, 2022 after listening to the Reunion story — wondering the same things — how is ‘Britt’ doing? Has karma caught up to his family? Thank you for sharing his story – if it hasn’t already, I believe life has a way of working things out : let us all find a bit of peace in that thought.

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