"An American Family"


Type Story

Episode s Live From Philly 2! (#431)
An American Family (#CRS053)
Real Empathy (#CRC053)

Date April 30, 2013

Time In Episode 00:36:28

This story was first told by on episode #431: Live From Philly 2!

It also appears on episode #CRS053: An American Family and episode #CRC053: Real Empathy


Note: These summaries are designed to help fans find their favorite stories and may contain spoilers!

Nimisha’s Indian family is not happy to hear she’s marrying a Jewish guy, but they do their best to get over it. At the epic Indian wedding, Nimisha’s mom makes the groom a gift, and makes a big deal of presenting it to him. It’s emblazoned with a swastika, which has its own historical meaning in Indian culture. It’s an extremely awkward moment, but love saves the day and the family acknowledges the mistake, conceding that no swastikas should be present during the wedding.

Themes/Keywords: There are none yet. Why not suggest some?



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