Live From Albany!


Episode #339

Date August 03, 2012

Run Time 59:27

Chrissy Swanson, Michael Oatman, Ethan Ullman and Gregor Wynnyczuk share stories at our live show at the Linda Theater in Albany, NY

Song: RISK Theme by The Charlie Watts Riots

Song: Pennies from Hell by Bee vs Moth 

Live Story: For the Love of Lou by Chrissy Swanson

Live Story: The Joker by Michael Oatman

Live Story: What We Talk About When We Talk About Hambu by Ethan Ullman

Live Story: Rough Start by Gregor Wynnyczuk

Song: Can’t Say No by The Helio Sequence



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Wayne Neale
12 years ago

Great to hear these stories again. Still my favourite risk line
“There’s nothing that will sober up a woman faster than putting your dick in her ass”. I laughed like a drain again.

9 years ago

I’m fairly new to Risk, but I’ve been sucking up old episodes like a hungry vacuum cleaner and mostly loving them. The story by Ethan Ullman not so much, though. I wonder what kind of person thinks it’s entertaining to torment minimum-wage workers for years with some childish prank calls and then brags about it in front of an audience. This story was 100% dickish, with no redemption, and it really didn’t seem worthy of your usual standards.

5 years ago

That Wendy’s story….not funny. It’s absolutely not funny to treat fast food workers or ANYONE like that. People who work in the service industry take enough crap. I worked in retail management for years and it’s not fun.

Jim Morris
4 years ago

Great job on this and last night!

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